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I was actually thinking of a great slot receiver like Amendola (UFA) instead.

I really like Amendola. Unfortunately we gave Earl Bennett the money to be that stud slot receiver, and he's injured all the time. That, and he's not as good as Amendola. Funny thing is that if Knox weren't so badly injured, he would have been a great compliment to Jeffery and Marshall.

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Dude, what are you thinking? Why is it a sad day? You sure do have a warped view of how a franchise should be run. A true fan should be happy that Lovie was fired because it shows the team is not content with a HC who continually makes the same mistakes and can't get over the hump. It says the Bears are not happy with simply having a winning season. That is what a true fan should also want.


But if you're cool with missing the playoffs every year and seeing the exact same problems every year, then maybe the definition of fan changed since last I looked it up.


Jason, if all you're doing is trying to get me riled up...forget it. I'm over it. I'm not happy about it but not much I can do other than look forward to see how things go next year. Apparently you have missed every iota of posts I have put out about my disssatisfaction. If you need someone to coax your ego, seek elsewhere.


Happy New Year

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Lovie already has been contacted by 4 teams lining up interviews for head coaching positions. While many were thinking it would be hard for the Bears to pay him the last year on his contract (myself included) it's possible the Bears suspected he'd be in demand elsewhere in the league. A gamble perhaps but with 10 HC openings around the league it's quite likely Lovie ends up somewhere at least as a DC if not HC. That softens the financial impact.

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Time to build a champion this Offseason.

Objective 1- Hire new head coach


Objective 2- Fix Offensive Line (draft and free agency)


Objective 3- Find a tight end who can block and catch


Objective 4- Time to start re-stocking the defense (need to get younger!)


Trivia question, has a head coach ever won a super bowl in their first year with a team?

I think 3 have accomplished this. Don McCaffrey with Baltimore, Barry Switzer at Dallas and George Seifert at SF.

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Lovie already has been contacted by 4 teams lining up interviews for head coaching positions. While many were thinking it would be hard for the Bears to pay him the last year on his contract (myself included) it's possible the Bears suspected he'd be in demand elsewhere in the league. A gamble perhaps but with 10 HC openings around the league it's quite likely Lovie ends up somewhere at least as a DC if not HC. That softens the financial impact.

I think he gets a HC ing job, and release the money for us. I dont like his persona but think Lovie was a good coach, just not a Super Bowl coach. He can make a team better, but doenst have a clue on how to get the big job done. Stuck on defense, loyal to bad players, brain farts way to much. Time to move on, and throw the burden on a new guy.

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I think he gets a HC ing job, and release the money for us. I dont like his persona but think Lovie was a good coach, just not a Super Bowl coach. He can make a team better, but doenst have a clue on how to get the big job done. Stuck on defense, loyal to bad players, brain farts way to much. Time to move on, and throw the burden on a new guy.

He will get another HC job (hell Jauron and Wanny did).


Peace :dabears

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I think 3 have accomplished this. Don McCaffrey with Baltimore, Barry Switzer at Dallas and George Seifert at SF.

I forgot Gruden.


Also those who think Kiffin was the architect of the Tampa defense are wrong because Dungy played for the Steelers in that system as a safety after being converted from QB out of Minnesota.


Thinking Dungy built that Tampa roster does a disservice to the GM's that were there during his tenure. I believe it was Rich McKay at first and Bruce Allen later.

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I forgot Gruden.


Also those who think Kiffin was the architect of the Tampa defense are wrong because Dungy played for the Steelers in that system as a safety after being converted from QB out of Minnesota.


Thinking Dungy built that Tampa roster does a disservice to the GM's that were there during his tenure. I believe it was Rich McKay at first and Bruce Allen later.


Just to clarify, because I think you were speaking to my comments on Kiffin V Dungy. Dungy brought the Cover 2 to the Bucs, but it was no longer effective untill Kiffin adapted it into what became the Tampa 2. They both share the same base philosophy, just Kiffins model is the one used today.

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I forgot Gruden.


Also those who think Kiffin was the architect of the Tampa defense are wrong because Dungy played for the Steelers in that system as a safety after being converted from QB out of Minnesota.


Thinking Dungy built that Tampa roster does a disservice to the GM's that were there during his tenure. I believe it was Rich McKay at first and Bruce Allen later.

Jerry Angelo gets a lot of credit as well for that. Or at least everything I've heard and read about his tenure in Tampa indicates he was very instrumental in that development.

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Just to clarify, because I think you were speaking to my comments on Kiffin V Dungy. Dungy brought the Cover 2 to the Bucs, but it was no longer effective untill Kiffin adapted it into what became the Tampa 2. They both share the same base philosophy, just Kiffins model is the one used today.

I'm not sure it was you but you are right about Kiffin tweaked it a bit because the Steelers' version had a Bud Carson flavor on the D-line that had the DTs slanted at the line of scrimmage that he took with him to the Jets.

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I'm not sure it was you but you are right about Kiffin tweaked it a bit because the Steelers' version had a Bud Carson flavor on the D-line that had the DTs slanted at the line of scrimmage that he took with him to the Jets.


Yeah, Kiffins tweak was the linebackers. Especially, the dropback coverage from the MLB.

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Jason, if all you're doing is trying to get me riled up...forget it. I'm over it. I'm not happy about it but not much I can do other than look forward to see how things go next year. Apparently you have missed every iota of posts I have put out about my disssatisfaction. If you need someone to coax your ego, seek elsewhere.


Happy New Year


Dude, don't flatter yourself. I don't give a damn about riling you up or whether or not you think I need your approval/assistance. I'm just saying you're in the vast minority here, and I don't see why you are trying to take a holier than thou attitude as if we couldn't possibly have a winning or better team without Lovie. Face it, nearly everyone disagrees with the fact you wanted to keep Lovie, despite how moderately dissatisfied you were/are.

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Dude, don't flatter yourself. I don't give a damn about riling you up or whether or not you think I need your approval/assistance. I'm just saying you're in the vast minority here, and I don't see why you are trying to take a holier than thou attitude as if we couldn't possibly have a winning or better team without Lovie. Face it, nearly everyone disagrees with the fact you wanted to keep Lovie, despite how moderately dissatisfied you were/are.


So you try and insult me because my opinion differs than you? As i pointed out to MadLith before I dont purposefully go out of my was to stir controversy. I just dont prescribe to the safety of an echo chamber like you choose to embolden yourself with. I don't have a "holier than thou" approach to this. I didn't like the firing of Lovie (yes unlike the "vast majority") but I'm moving on. Hopefully eventually you will too.

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So you try and insult me because my opinion differs than you? As i pointed out to MadLith before I dont purposefully go out of my was to stir controversy. I just dont prescribe to the safety of an echo chamber like you choose to embolden yourself with. I don't have a "holier than thou" approach to this. I didn't like the firing of Lovie (yes unlike the "vast majority") but I'm moving on. Hopefully eventually you will too.


Remember where it started. Scroll up, go back to previous comments, and see where you began by basically challenging every Bears fan who didn't agree with you. Anyone who wanted Lovie gone was not a true fan. Your line of reason is weak, and just because your opinion is not majority doesn't make anyone else a lemming or in search of some sort of "echo chamber". It just means majority/minority...and generally speaking, when the difference between majority and minority is so vast, the minority is wrong.

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Just for the record, I didn't really care either way. Lovie is a class act and I hate to lose him. But there's a chance we'll replace him with someone who can coach defense and offense. How I'll feel when it's all said and done will all depend on who we replace him with.

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My final thoughts on Lovie: He's a good but not great head coach. Very good teacher, poor talent evaluator. He should be commended for garnering the player's respect and always seeming to have control in the locker room. He does all the things the right way. The main issue with Lovie is the obvious. He never had a clue about offense. Too many failed coordinator hirings, not enough productive. That ultimately is what got him fired, along with missing the playoffs 5 out of 6 years.


Do I think he will get another gig elsewhere right away? Yes I do. But at the end of the day Emery made the decision that he wasn't the right fit for the type of team he envisions having; meaning a team that can consistently contend year in and year out, while finding the right balance between offense/defense. The Bears can't be in the bottom half of the league in offense anymore if you want to win a Superbowl. Hopefully this new guy will be able to do that. I wish Lovie the best, and appreciate the memories of the Superbowl win from 06 that I believe we would have won if Tommie Harris and Mike Brown had been healthy.

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Remember where it started. Scroll up, go back to previous comments, and see where you began by basically challenging every Bears fan who didn't agree with you. Anyone who wanted Lovie gone was not a true fan. Your line of reason is weak, and just because your opinion is not majority doesn't make anyone else a lemming or in search of some sort of "echo chamber". It just means majority/minority...and generally speaking, when the difference between majority and minority is so vast, the minority is wrong.


I thought about leaving this alone as apparently you don't know the meaning of "moving on". But I would like to insert a quote I saw from Charles Tillman: "Lovie Smith is a man of God, integrity and loyalty, and that's how he coached. I had the honor to work with him for nine years. Sad day!".


My sentiments were similar. I took exception when I saw what other "fans" were saying in their hopes of the team losing just so they could see Lovie get fired. Whether or not Lovie were involved, when a "fan" hopes their team will lose to me is (the exact word I chose) pathetic. Since then a few here have said, with good reasoning, that they felt Lovie simply had not been able to get the team over the hump and really didnt have an issue with him outside of that. I can respect that. Maybe we'll see our team now reach that plateau, maybe not. Only time will tell.

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Charles Tillman: "Lovie Smith is a man of God, integrity and loyalty, and that's how he coached. I had the honor to work with him for nine years. Sad day!".

This quote is a great testimony to Smith's character and I believe that's who he is as a man. Everyone wants a leader like that. What I want more though from my leader is to throw Gatorade on him. Lovie will always be remembered for what he brought to this franchise. That being said, I find it very insignificant what the players say or think about it at this point. Change is coming and it's their job to move on and get behind it.

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This quote is a great testimony to Smith's character and I believe that's who he is as a man. Everyone wants a leader like that. What I want more though from my leader is to throw Gatorade on him. Lovie will always be remembered for what he brought to this franchise. That being said, I find it very insignificant what the players say or think about it at this point. Change is coming and it's their job to move on and get behind it.

Couldn't agree more. I bet the offensive guys are completely for this Change though they may never say it publicly

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I don't think any of us would say that Lovie was a bad guy or completely inept BUT....


One thing for sure is he couldn't figure out how to run a good offence.


And there is a whole bunch of other reasons, not least the lack of sufficient play-off/Super Bowl appearances which make me happy he is moving on.


More power to him, thanks to him for being a guy of character and representing Chicago with dignity and class.


Let's go win the Super Bowl now!

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Alaska, I understand what you are saying however, I look at the whole picture. I am very grateful that Smith was hired back in 2004 as I did feel he was the best coach available at the time for the Bears. He has achieved a winning record that leaves him only behind Papa Bear & Da Coach. When you look at the resent trend over specifically the 2011 plus 2012 seasons, there were glaring problems that fall directly on the head coach.


I saw your this and that it was addressed to me, so I felt compelled to reply. Didn't want to come off as rude. But what you have put above is pretty much the consensus. In fact, I am seeing that as more the case. Although I would have preferred he stay his last year and just see what could have been done. But that is not what happened and I have accepted it and look forward to see what's next. I will probably follow Smith to whatever team he ends up coaching next and call it my "back up team" (Arizona has been in that role for years as they have old ties to Chicago and its an area I have interest in living in...someday).


Things started out well in Smith's tenure however, missing the playoffs in six of nine seasons plus having four different offensive coordinators and four different defensive coordinators is beyond tolerable for most other teams in the NFL. I had a friend mention on my Facebook profile that no team in the NFL is afraid to play the Bears as they will find a way to self destruct. Going 3-5 to end the season and relying on said rival to win to help you get in should never be acceptable. The Bears truthfully controlled their own destiny and the coaching staff let their team down in regards to preparation. I understand that there where injuries however, the Cheese Heads had injuries two years ago that were the worst in recent memory in the NFL and they still won the Super Bowl. So yes, I am going to celebrate a bit that a change that I have felt was needed for a couple years and glad that it has happened.


And since we obviously disagree in that regard, I won't begrudge you that. I think you know we differ on this or you wouldn't have bothered in posting this. Nothing wrong with it at this point. Thank you for the explanation and here's to 2013, and what it may hold.

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That being said, I find it very insignificant what the players say or think about it at this point. Change is coming and it's their job to move on and get behind it.


Although I keep promising to move on, I can't simply ignore this. On the contrary, it matters very much what a player thinks. He played for the guy AND made it to the Pro Bowl during his tenure. So I think very much his, and any other players opinion, matters. Probably more than yours when it comes to knowing the guy.


Change is coming, you're right. Will Tillman "do his job and move on"? Probably. But in the meantime, I'll appreciate whatever accolades are coming to Lovie. Lord knows there are plenty of negative ones out there.

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Although I keep promising to move on, I can't simply ignore this. On the contrary, it matters very much what a player thinks. He played for the guy AND made it to the Pro Bowl during his tenure. So I think very much his, and any other players opinion, matters. Probably more than yours when it comes to knowing the guy.


Change is coming, you're right. Will Tillman "do his job and move on"? Probably. But in the meantime, I'll appreciate whatever accolades are coming to Lovie. Lord knows there are plenty of negative ones out there.


That wasn't meant in regards to the players feelings, rather it was meant for the future progress of the team. I care about what Tillman feels, I just don't care what he thinks of moves above his pay grade.

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I thought about leaving this alone as apparently you don't know the meaning of "moving on". But I would like to insert a quote I saw from Charles Tillman: "Lovie Smith is a man of God, integrity and loyalty, and that's how he coached. I had the honor to work with him for nine years. Sad day!".


My sentiments were similar. I took exception when I saw what other "fans" were saying in their hopes of the team losing just so they could see Lovie get fired. Whether or not Lovie were involved, when a "fan" hopes their team will lose to me is (the exact word I chose) pathetic. Since then a few here have said, with good reasoning, that they felt Lovie simply had not been able to get the team over the hump and really didnt have an issue with him outside of that. I can respect that. Maybe we'll see our team now reach that plateau, maybe not. Only time will tell.


Dude, just because you say "move on" doesn't mean I have to. And it certainly doesn't mean you get to dictate the last word on a subject.


Is Charles Tillman right? I have no doubt. I don't think anyone on this board every challenged anything in Tillman's quote. Lovie Smith, from all indications, is a very good, if not great man. But he's a average-to-good head football coach in the NFL who has severe limitations in many areas.


But to the point, how exactly should a fan act in a situation such as ours? Should the fans constantly be happen with .500ish records, where the team treads water and never really threatens further? If Lovie could get the team beyond that point, then nobody would have been calling for his firing. And therefore the dilemma existed. Bears win, Lovie keeps his job, the team treads water. Bears lose, Lovie potentially loses his job (he obviously did), the team has a chance to do something other than tread water.


I guess we all just view things differently. I view it as losing a few battles in order to win the war. Losses were necessary in order for Lovie to get fired, which can hopefully give the Bears the chance to advance beyond their currently stagnant point. It's not that fans wanted the Bears to actually lose - you have to understand that. It's that fans realized some losses were necessary in order for major gains to potentially be made.

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