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Everything posted by Chitownhustla

  1. I hate to see anyone get hurt. I love watching Rodgers play the game, he is an amazing QB but you know what i love more?????? Watching Packer fans go into complete melt down. They are typically very nice fans but they have grown to be some of the more annoying fans out there. They love to talk shit about the Bears and THINK their Packers are SOOOOOOO freakin good. In reality the Pack is an average team with one of the Best QB's to ever play. They have a good group of WR;s and no run game. There D is average. Without Rodgers I wont have to listen to a bunch of KNOW IT ALL shitheads gloat. They have been spoiled with great QB play for what seems like 20 years. I will enjoy watching the Packers suffer this year without Rodgers.
  2. I liked Watson too, it will be interesting to watch the Development of both QB's. One kid playing on a team that was in the Playoff's the year before with some good talent around him and our guy playing with a bunch of 3rd and 4th stringers for WR's. It is very early but I will say I am very excited with what I saw from Trubisky. Monday Night Primetime the kid did not look nervous. I think we may have a real deal QB.
  3. 1. I agree u have to start Tru 2. See Goff - shit first year off to good start year two 3. Watson - really liked him pre draft.... 4. Watson keeps this up and you see what happens when you bring in a rookie with a solid supporting cast... ie Dak and Dallas Perfect world White and Meredith would be playing..... but it’s the Bears, perfect world doesn’t exist! Let’s go Tru!!!
  4. What two of the 8 years in Chicago....while the team had zero D and Trestman leading the team. Treatment lost control, the locker room was a mess.
  5. I said it with Cutler and ill say it with Glennon, its not all his fault. He has the worst WR corp in the league and a beat up Oline until this last week that still did him no favors. Regardless of those facts, he still made some terrible throws and mistakes. With that said, its time for Tru........ I just hope he doesnt get killed if they play him. The first play for the offense they run a 7 step drop and ask Dion Simms to block Clay Matthews........ how freakin stupid is Dowell Loggins???? Set the whole tone of the game.
  6. Teams will figure out how to stop the Bears run attack. If the Bears dont do something with the passing attack this will get ugly real quick. If Glennon has another crap day I dont know how the Bears dont go with Tru.
  7. the offense is doing no favors today. The D is getting wore down.
  8. I'm starting to question my sanity...... why do I even care. This is hot garbage.
  9. 87 could have ran for days, there was no one. I guess that long neck doesn't provide better field vision.
  10. 87 was wide open on that INT. Sims was triple covered.
  11. This sucks for the Bears and White. I cant even imagine what White is going through.
  12. From what I read Tru is accurate and has a great deep ball. Glennon is very accurate at close to medium range but lacks at the deep ball. Very excited about what Im reading about Tru.
  13. If his time ends up being a one and done here at least he got paid and most likely Tru is the real deal and lucky for us. Im liking where the Bears are in terms of future prospect at the QB position.
  14. I thought Glennon is not accurate at the deep ball?
  15. Yeah, that's not good. well I guess all the talk from the guys at the score about Fox running the show is not correct.
  16. They can trade either guy. Similar to San Deigo with Brees and Rivers. I hope we have this problem.
  17. When taking a QB this high the Bears are more worried about building a winner for the next 10 years not just next year. IF Glennon goes off for that type of year they will be able to trade him for more then what they gave up.
  18. All this says is that staff felt he was "the guy". Ive read here that Pace may have tried to make moves on Marritoa and Wentz the past two drafts, Pace made his decision that he was the QB he wanted and he didn't let anything get in his way. Lets hope the 3rd times a charm. ds
  19. By beating the 49ers last season it cost the Bears 3 draft picks.
  20. Chitownhustla


    Been saying QB for awhile, just was completely wrong with which QB I thought it was.
  21. I love Watson. How does his arm compare to Winston? If his arm is comparable then you are dead nuts on comparison. Pace and fox have set themselves up nicely, they dont have to take a QB at 3. If they do it only means they are sold 100% on him, which means if they are right we could be set for the next 10-12 years which we have never seen at the QB position. What would we talk about??????? We may end up missing talking about Cutler if that happened. lol
  22. Pace and Fox can not afford to go into next season with a rookie QB and a bunch of bums backing him up. Pace and Fox signed Glennon to a team friendly deal in terms of other qb contracts and how easy it is to get after one year. Glennon is taking a risk by coming to the Bears, he has one year to prove he is a starter and probably knows the Bears will be adding a rookie QB. If Glennon plays lights out he lives to play another year. If he is mediocre the rookie will take over sooner then later. If the Bears brass feel one of these QB's is a franchise QB then they have to take him, its a 10 to 12 years decision with QB's. I get that another position or player may provide more gains next year but if the Bears HIT on a qb they are set for 10 to 12 years.
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