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Let me start by saying I'm not a big Gruden guy, also not high on Dungy.


That being said, I like to look at it like Dungy had his chances and couldn't get it done.(eerily similar to Lovie) Chuckie went in and made the offense productive, which was got the team over the hump. BTW - the genius behind Tampa's defense was Monty Kiffin, not Tony Dungy.


Alas Dungy DID win a Super Bowl and was a perennial contender to the AFC championship in Indy (not to mention irritant to NE). And more than likely would have won a SB if he'd have stayed in TB. His " body of work" is much more proven than Grudens was or will be. And I do like Kiffen, had some time in Nebraska, but he didn't invent the Cover 2. It actually found its roots more from the Steelers in the '70s.



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I'm sad to see Lovie go in many contexts. He has a good D mind. I loved the way this team played D most of the time. Without his defense we would not of even been 500 most of the time. His lack of changing with the league and the move to such an OFF. driven game was his downfall. He seems to be an honerable fair coach. But he just did not get the job done that needed to be done. I'm tired of seeing all these other teams with multipule SB rings, I'm tired of having only 85. I'm tired of listening to Niner fans, Giant fans, Raider fans, New England fans. GD we set their franchise back 20 years when we played them and look at them now! And most of all I'm tired of GD Packer fans talking about title town Brett Farve, Arron Rodgers and all the other BS!! And this week I need them to win a game to get us into the playoffs. UNFin acceptable! This is the game and league that was build by the man who started this team and if it takes firing head coaches every three to four years till we start evening the score then that's what I want them to do.


I'm tired of listening to sports talk saying how can the Bears fire a coach that went 10 and 6. Because he had nine years to win a SB and he did not. The next coach better do it in four years or we find another and another!!



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http://sportsradiointerviews.com/2012/06/2...denver-broncos/On his initial feelings when the team signed Manning:

“I was excited at the same time, but I was kind of nervous, because from watching him I felt like he — I ain’t gonna say he was demanding — but the receivers did the right things and he got the ball to them in the right spots. So to get to play with a future Hall of Famer, I knew I had to step my game up and get in my book more, run routes more, because I never really ran routes much. So I thought it was gonna be a challenge, and it has been so far. But it’s been good, too.”


On having to run more routes with Manning at quarterback:


“You’re gonna have to run the whole route tree now. The comebacks, the slants, the posts, the ins. And I didn’t have to do that much when I was my first couple of years in the league.”


This is why McCoy scares me. It took his 3rd year under McCoy and the addition of Manning, for Thomas to have to learn and run routes.

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Alas Dungy DID win a Super Bowl and was a perennial contender to the AFC championship in Indy (not to mention irritant to NE). And more than likely would have won a SB if he'd have stayed in TB. His " body of work" is much more proven than Grudens was or will be. And I do like Kiffen, had some time in Nebraska, but he didn't invent the Cover 2. It actually found its roots more from the Steelers in the '70s.




Please don't try to insinuate I was saying Monty Kiffin invented the cover two. He was just simply the architect of Tampa's. Not Dungy.


As far as Indy is concerned, their defense was usually the achilles heel. And most in Indy believe that one Superbowl out of Dungy was insufficient for the talent they had. Plus they had this guy named Bill Polian that built that team, who widely regarded as the best GM ever. Oh, and #18...

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Please don't try to insinuate I was saying Monty Kiffin invented the cover two. He was just simply the architect of Tampa's. Not Dungy.


As far as Indy is concerned, their defense was usually the achilles heel. And most in Indy believe that one Superbowl out of Dungy was insufficient for the talent they had. Plus they had this guy named Bill Polian that built that team, who widely regarded as the best GM ever. Oh, and #18...

Yeah Peyton Manning carried that team for a decade, they should've won 2-3 with him at the helm.

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Alaska, I understand what you are saying however, I look at the whole picture. I am very grateful that Smith was hired back in 2004 as I did feel he was the best coach available at the time for the Bears. He has achieved a winning record that leaves him only behind Papa Bear & Da Coach. When you look at the resent trend over specifically the 2011 plus 2012 seasons, there were glaring problems that fall directly on the head coach.


How many times did either players or Smith state that they were not properly prepared for the opponent of the day that they lost to? Quite a few if I remember correctly. I also remember a lot of times this season that Smith stated that, "We are not quite where we want to be and we have to work on getting there and playing a full 60 minutes of football." Then the real kicker to me that should be glaring to every Bears fan out there, after the lose to the Cheese Heads on December 16th at home Smith said, "This Was Not A Must Win Game For Us." Do not know what planet Smith was coming from at that point however, playing the most storied rivalry in the history of the National Football League if not all of professional sports is always a Must Win especially when it is also a divisional game and does have playoff implications should always be a major thing year in and year out.


Things started out well in Smith's tenure however, missing the playoffs in six of nine seasons plus having four different offensive coordinators and four different defensive coordinators is beyond tolerable for most other teams in the NFL. I had a friend mention on my Facebook profile that no team in the NFL is afraid to play the Bears as they will find a way to self destruct. Going 3-5 to end the season and relying on said rival to win to help you get in should never be acceptable. The Bears truthfully controlled their own destiny and the coaching staff let their team down in regards to preparation. I understand that there where injuries however, the Cheese Heads had injuries two years ago that were the worst in recent memory in the NFL and they still won the Super Bowl. So yes, I am going to celebrate a bit that a change that I have felt was needed for a couple years and glad that it has happened.


We'll, it's a sad day. And to revel in it continues the trend of poor fansmanship.


But you guys got what you wanted. And now I guess we'll see what a team in "rebuilding" mode looks like.


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Emery is not f-ing around! I think that bodes well.


Mr. Smith, thank you for your years of service. You did all you can. But we need more.


Time to restore the roar!

What matters is how they handle this. Will they spend the money...will they get the top guy. Will it matter? They once did get the top guy and we ended up with Wanny (who people may forget, was the guy).

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Because of what Dungy left him.

Of all the expereinced guys (which is what i prefer)....Chucky scares me the most. On one hand, he won with journeymen like Gannon (Oakland) and Brad Johnson, on the other hand, the Bucs were ran into the ground and he took over one hell of a talented team. Dungy was a great great coach.

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I actually like Lovie Smith but I felt it was time to move on. I compare him to Doug Collins. He was good at getting us from point A to point B. We need a coach who can get us to point C (a Superbowl championship).


Peace :dabears


Exactly how I feel. You have to give the man his due for bringing us from a laughingstock team to a borderline playoff team every year, but 5 out of 6 years not in the playoffs mixed with some of the worst offenses in the league during that time sealed his fate.


He should give the Cardinals a try. The fanbase here would love a guy that could get the team to 8-10 wins consistently.

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Nope. Just saying, if you're looking for a fight, you will probably find one... If you are looking for like-minded posts to yours, you'll probably not find many. That's all I was saying. I've always made it 100% clear that I'm an advocate of free speech. You can tell anyone or me to F off...which you've pretty much done. It's your perrogative. I don't begrudge your stance, I know where you are coming whether I agree or not.


I'm enjoying the moment for what could be. I know what was...


We have simply switched glasses. My glass is now is half full (if not more), yours apepars now to be half empty.


We all have the same goal...a championship back in Chicago.




You've made that abundantly clear for many years.





So now you're telling me how to express myself? Not to "read posts" but instead stand in the lemming line and revel in the change that was made today? What happened to not telling others how to be fans? Your opinion is a safe one, as it is in the apparent majority. And to suggest for me to not "call everyone out" is kinda sad of you. I thought you said you knew me better. I understand and appreciate adversity, not thrive in it. I'm a Democrat in a state that brought you Sarah Palin for pete's sake. I don't like what I see and I'm gonna tell it like it is. At the same time it would be pointless for me to waste the last day of 2012 trying to counter you and all the other Lovie haters.




As do I. As do I. I feel next year won't be the "best". I'll approach it with the angle as you have for the last 8 or 9 years, with guarded optimism.


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You analysis sounds pretty solid as a broad brushstroke.




I actually like Lovie Smith but I felt it was time to move on. I compare him to Doug Collins. He was good at getting us from point A to point B. We need a coach who can get us to point C (a Superbowl championship).


Peace :dabears


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Absolutely. He'll get work. His resume is good. And regardless what he does elsewhere, his time was up here... Sometimes it justs needs to end.


Exactly how I feel. You have to give the man his due for bringing us from a laughingstock team to a borderline playoff team every year, but 5 out of 6 years not in the playoffs mixed with some of the worst offenses in the league during that time sealed his fate.


He should give the Cardinals a try. The fanbase here would love a guy that could get the team to 8-10 wins consistently.


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I dunno who all the qualified coaches out there are, and I'm inclined to get behind whoever Emery hires, but I'll say this.


I'd sure like to have Chuckie.


I've been saying for a couple years now that Lovie's team reminds me of Dungy's Tampa Bay Teams of the 90s. It'd be interesting to see what Gruden could do with our offensive pieces. We do have some pretty damned good skill position players on Offense. We need someone to put them in the right places.


I want Chuckie!

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How do you account for Jennings and his improvement? How about the play of Wright and Conte this year? Granted Urlacher arrived before Smith but he was a Safety, before he was an LB. And Briggs plays better because of Urlacher. Not because he is a "stand alone" great LB. Yes Peppers is a great player, but he thrived as pass rushing DE. Which is a big piece of the "Lovie 2". I think Lovie deserved a lot more credit than "some".




I am reserving judgement but I think Cutler has reached his plateau. He has a strong arm and great running ability but not an "elite" mind when it comes to making decisions. I hope to be wrong about him, but only time will tell.



While you are busy criticizing me for wanting my team to go in a new direction you should put together a similar paragraph on Lovie's offensive success, if that's possible.


Credit due: Lovie has put together some good defenses while at the same time he's put together some of the worst offenses in the NFL...despite having some Pro Bowl talent on the roster.


I believe last offseason Lovie was allowed to prioritize what we did. We went after DE talent and bypassed good Oline talent that was available both in FA (pursued Jaguars DE) and draft (took SMC converted LB to DE). He went after building an elite defense believing that would get him back to the playoffs while neglecting the most glaring need on offense. We'll never know what was said in those private meetings but from all reports last offseason Lovie and Tice were relatively content with our Oline roster as it was.


You may be correct on Cutler, he is not an elite decision maker. However, that's what you need a coach to help him become. It hasn't happened under Lovie, time to try someone else.

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We'll, it's a sad day. And to revel in it continues the trend of poor fansmanship.


But you guys got what you wanted. And now I guess we'll see what a team in "rebuilding" mode looks like.


Dude, what are you thinking? Why is it a sad day? You sure do have a warped view of how a franchise should be run. A true fan should be happy that Lovie was fired because it shows the team is not content with a HC who continually makes the same mistakes and can't get over the hump. It says the Bears are not happy with simply having a winning season. That is what a true fan should also want.


But if you're cool with missing the playoffs every year and seeing the exact same problems every year, then maybe the definition of fan changed since last I looked it up.

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To me most decent coaches could've done what Lovie did with these players over his tenure. Any defense, with players like Urlacher, Briggs, Peppers, and Tillman would be good. Lovie gets some credit, but not all of it. Tillman alone accounted for most of "Lovie's ball hawking defense" as someone pointed out recently.


Every year it seemed like we never lived up to expectations. This year as well, we had a top 5 defense and special teams, and an offense with Cutler, Marshall, and Forte, and we couldn't get it done.


The Super Bowl loss was a missed opportunity as was the NFC Championship as home.



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Dude, what are you thinking? Why is it a sad day? You sure do have a warped view of how a franchise should be run. A true fan should be happy that Lovie was fired because it shows the team is not content with a HC who continually makes the same mistakes and can't get over the hump. It says the Bears are not happy with simply having a winning season. That is what a true fan should also want.


But if you're cool with missing the playoffs every year and seeing the exact same problems every year, then maybe the definition of fan changed since last I looked it up.

I was surprised to hear similar sentiments on ESPN (not like that is surprising). They kept saying, "I am sure Buffalo would love to be where the Bears and Eagles have been" and "be careful what you ask for" and "who are they going to get that is better".


How many times did the Bears have back-to-back winning seasons under Lovie Smith (9 seasons)? 1 (2005-2006)


We had back-to-back winning seasons once in the last decade. To me it is surprising that he lasted this long. He should've been given 3 years after the Super Bowl loss. What did the Bears do in those 3 years? 7-9, 9-7, 7-9, and no playoff appearances. He should've been fired after 2009, but since it was Cutler's first year, apparently he got a free pass.


I also didn't like how he ousted Ron Rivera after the SB, and the defense has never matched the same dominance after that.

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Time to build a champion this Offseason.

Objective 1- Hire new head coach


Objective 2- Fix Offensive Line (draft and free agency)


Objective 3- Find a tight end who can block and catch


Objective 4- Time to start re-stocking the defense (need to get younger!)


Trivia question, has a head coach ever won a super bowl in their first year with a team?

throw in we need a speed Wr, doesnt have to be a big name, but someone like Hester just happens to know how to play Wr and spread the field.

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